Tuesday, September 11, 2018

On Adaptation: An Ice-Cold Glass Breaks When Hot Boiling Water is Poured...

...because they shock each other.

The tension is just too much that one can barely accept another and become one.

The same principle applies when you adapt to new environment.
If you are the water trying to fill the glass without breaking it, and you have no idea how hot/cold the glass would be, never bring your hot boiling attribute because you never know how "warm" the glass would be. If the environment is an icy-cold one, your presence will only break it. And you too, as the water, will spill.

You may ask: "Why would the glass be an-icy-cold one?"
Warm water will lose its warmth right away, and it can't simply bear hot water that well.

Indeed. You cannot be too hot as the water.
On the other hand, the environment must not be that icy-cold in order for you to blend easily.
In other words, the environment must be "warm enough" for you to be accepted.

True, when you enter a whole new environment, it is important to make the efforts to adapt.
But don't forget, what is also important is that your environment adapts to you.
The fact is: sometimes, you cannot give that much impact to change your environment. All you can give to them is time; time for them to get to know you, to warm-up to you, and finally welcome you.

Patience and persistence are key.
Don't be too harsh on yourself; yet, never stop learning.

Diandra Epifania Kanter
Astra Jardine Executive Trainee
Reflections from my year in Hong Kong
September 2017 - October 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Good Team Member

Everybody wants to be in the spotlight.
Everybody wants to be the very important person.
Everybody wants to be the one driving the direction.
That's why leadership seminar is very popular.

But the "triangle" of the organisation is a triangle.
There is no leader position for everybody, and should you want to be in such position, you need to earn it. Before you are a leader, you need to become a follower - or team member.

There is a role of a leader. There is a role of a member.
I think people should get feedback on how well they are when they are playing both roles.

The question is: What makes a good follower?
The fact is people often get feedback when they play the role of the leader; but people rarely obtain feedback as a follower/ team member.
Everybody pays too much attention on the leader, that they forget that to become a good follower also needs skills and development.
Perhaps because the general assumption that a good team member should just follow the directions of the team leader; it is as if their position exists just to support the leader.
After all, without a team member/ follower, it is impossible for somebody to become a leader.

See the last sentence above.
Don't you think it is strange that there will be no leader without member, while people can come collectively without any leader, yet we hear people teach more about how to become a good team leader and not become a good team member as well?

Come to think of it. One does not simply label somebody who blindly follows the leader as a good team member. A team member can do more.
And one does not simply label somebody who interrupts the leader's direction as a bad team member.
In the world where innovation is at the heart of the progress of everything, and when the competition is tough, there is no way one team can succeed if the team members will only follow the team leader blindly.
Becoming a team member is an active role; he/ she is an active listener, active thinker, and active doer.
More people means more ideas, and that's one of the strength of working in teams rather than working alone... and having people following you from behind.

Not only ideas, a team member also provides something that a leader in his/her position may not have: feedback for the leader's personal and professional growth. There is no feedback better than the feedback coming from your customers.
And to be able to provide the right feedback, one should also have the leadership skill: knowing what to say, how to say, when to say, and having the courage to actually say it.
This makes it clear that leadership is not only about leading others; it is also about leading ourselves, so that we can carry on with whatever role that is placed or trusted in us... either we are in the position of a team leader, or team member.

Applications: For team-building activities, always rotate leadership each time a different activity/ challenge is introduced, and at the end of the day, provide feedback to everybody in the team, both when they are playing the role as team leader and as team member.

Diandra Epifania Kanter
Astra Jardine Executive Trainee
Reflections from my year in Hong Kong
September 2017 - September 2018

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Welcoming New Chapter of Life: Some Random Reflections

Life is made of choices and opportunities

As I looked upon the pictures way back to a year ago, it's amazing that so many things have happened and changed. We keep moving on daily, taking small steps and just look ahead... and then suddenly the past just seems like ages ago.

Perhaps that's just how an adult life is. You make choices every single day, and it is your choices that 90% determine the outcome of tomorrow (the other 10% would be things that happen beyond our control). Just like choices, opportunities, no matter how big or small, pop up in seconds; and it is the actions in those seconds that make a difference between our life yesterday and today.

The problem is, taking the right actions upon our opportunity may not as easy as the coming of opportunity itself. Only the ones who are ready to make the most of that opportunity is given that opportunity. And readiness itself depends on the quality of yourself, which needs to match, with that opportunity. When there is a gap between your readiness and what the opportunity requires, either you will not get it at all or once you get it, either you or others will not be happy with what comes afterwards. Promotion equals opportunity and readiness.

The importance of being yourself

To be ready, you need to grow, both in your knowledge and your character.
Growing your knowledge can be done alone, but growing character - you need to do it together with other people... because it allows you to receive feedbacks, to see how you are different than them, to know how you can give and take and learn. But above all, even when you are with them, you need to be yourself. Trying to be someone else just to get accepted will not grow you; instead, you will get even more distant with your own self, and what is unique from you that should be put on the table to benefit others will not come out.

Be yourself. That way you will have clear eyes to see the gap between what you are now and what you want to become. And find people whom you can grow together with - people that allow you to be yourself and be accepted the way you are.

Don't Compare

If you believe that you're unique, so does everybody else.
If you believe you deserve a golden opportunity that you already have, so did everybody else who finally received a silver, bronze, or rose gold opportunity.

Sometimes we are not given a chance when we believe that we are ready; support those who are given that chance (of course, as long as they are taking that opportunity to benefit the greater good). One day you may have to be in their shoes, and you will be the one needing that support. And also: observe. Even if it is not you that is chosen today, it does not mean you are not chosen tomorrow... and even it does not mean you are meant to be chosen for something even more difficult. Trust that God is good, therefore trust in God's timing.

Sometimes we may feel that we are not ready when we are given a certain chance; still have faith that there is a reason why you are given it (either for you to learn, or you actually have something to give to those who gave you that chance), and try to perform well at it. Never take it for granted.

Persevere in Faith; Look to More than One Channel for Growth & Satisfaction

You have your personal growth list and you realise that the place where you are devoting yourself now is not capable of accommodating you to level up. Don't quit easily, unless you see another more promising opportunity. Until you find other compatible place, persevere in faith. Try to look for other places to serve and be devoted to. The world is wide and places are many. Find one that suits your soul and your goal.

When the Time for Changes Come, and You Feel Something Holding You Back...

Is it your wonderful job?
Is it your relationship with family and friends?
Is it what your origin place offers that anywhere else doesn't?

Most likely because you are already in your comfort zone.

If it is your wonderful job, know that it is part of your life job to learn, and to learn means stepping out of your comfort zone, including your current job.

If it is your relationship with family and friends, then tell them and tell yourself... that you will go back to them with a better version of yourself, and you can bless them more when you return. Sometimes being far away is necessary as it teaches one something that one cannot learn where he/she comes from. 

Be leaving on a jet plane: August 31st, 2017.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Corporate Life

I always look at it as a "battlefield", not a "playground".

It means you must not lose focus, or you'll lose your chance to survive... even win.
It means you always need to have your shield ready, but only take out your sword when it is necessary. It means you always need to be on guard, and make the right judgment. It means knowing when: knowing when to hold your ground, and know when and why you need to attack.

But then again...
  1. Your battle principles must not outweigh your humanity principles. Be just, but merciful. Be clever, but gentle. Be kind, but sincere. Always stay positive, unless the evidence says otherwise.
  2. Don't forget that as difficult as the battle process might be, always have joy and peace in your heart. They allow meaningful relationships with valuable allies who share the same purpose as you. They allow you to stand firm in the middle of fight; they allow you to judge wisely. They guard your heart from crumbling down. They allow brilliant ideas to come through.
  3. Always take part in the battle celebration, so you will not get tired battling, for you know that you need to keep up the good work.
If your 8-hour a day is a battlefield, then where's my playground? 
Home. Family. Circle of closest friends. The House of God. (Psalm 27:4).
Playground -- where you can explore the infinite possibilities for love, fun, and excitement in the safest and most secure places.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Me Against Me vs. Me Against You... and Everybody Else

It is human nature to compare, but do you know that how we compare makes a big difference in the outcome of our behavior tendencies?

How We Compare #1: Me Against You... and Everybody Else
When we compare ourselves with others there is this sense of competition with 'making others lose' as the objective. It is as if one shall live because the other is gone, or basically both cannot win together... somebody has to lose. And in organization (as we know it) there is no such thing as winning alone. Everybody counts. Everything that you do shall make an impact to others like links in a chain, and everything that you do depends on others as well.

How We Compare #2: Me Against Me

I am in competition with no one.
I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone.
I am simply trying to be better than the person I was yesterday.
That's me and I am free.

On the other hand, see what happens when we compare ourselves with ourselves.
We are stretching yourselves beyond what we previously were. Our target is going beyond our previous achievement. That way, we are growing and stay motivated in every situation; not just because there are other people exist besides us. We are growing independently. Thus in a situation where others challenge us, it is not that we need to challenge back by making them withdraw their challenge, but by taking such challenge for our individual growth.. no matter how resenting it might be. In other words, we take others as opportunities to bring the best in us. "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." If everybody in an organization does the same way, everybody grows together; nobody is left behind and nobody has to lose. If all the iron links in a chain get stronger together, then the chain gets stronger as well.

See the big difference?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Let the "Weak" Say I Am Strong

I was once told that women are especially prone to blame themselves when their relationships with their loved ones came to an end. It is because as girls, they were socialised to pay more attention on building close relationships with people - a feminine trait that shall distinguish themselves from men.

This article is for those, men and women, who have experienced a broken heart, for they have willingly opened their heart for love in the first place. I personally think that a long-lasting relationship which is based on an everlasting love (moreover, those relationships who have been firmed through formal, legal commitment) is a blessing; for love is "inherently fickle and capricious" indeed.
